Saturday, May 28, 2005

Bola Gelinding

Gelinding Bola Coca-Cola Posted by Hello

Foto ini diambil oleh Mas Dadang dari Reuters, pada acara gelinding bola Coca-Cola 13 Maret 2005. Inilah hebatnya sebuah cara berdagang kapitalis besar yang telah eksis di dunia lebih dari 100 tahun dan di Indonesia, lebih dari 70 tahun. Siapa yang tidak kenal Coca-Cola? Namun, namanya juga manusia, tetap perlu penyegaran.

Ribuan orang berkumpul di bundaran HI waktu itu, mengoper bola dan menggelindingkan bola raksasa. Event seru yang membuat jutaan rupiah, hanya demi sebuah penyegaran dan eksistensi bisnis. Ironically, I'm part of them :P

Hey, dunia dibangun dari ironi dan paradoks.


Stephen Newton said...

I hope your new job is gong well. I enjoyed your observations about Coca Cola. Yes, it is an irony that those of us in public realtions and marketing often promote the good fortune of companies that don't have healthy or good products.

Best wishes and I like your new blog. You are a very interesting writer with great sensitivity.

Have you ever visited I thought at first that it was your blog. You and Dewi seem to have name and career in common.

DewiGreenjo said...

Dear Stephen,
Thank you for your comments. Speaking about Coke, yes, now Im working for them. In Indonesia, there are some issues. the main is that Coke could be used as insects killer.. hehee, how come we drink such of garbage., finally I visited it. very interesting one.

by the way, you have good Indonesian, dont u?